Thursday, February 5, 2009

arrested development...religion?

I was watching arrested development last night which made me think of religion....bizzare?  I THOUGHT SO!  Whether you find it weird or not the fact is it happened so here we go.  

I have never been a huge advocate of religion in general.  All too often religions that preached peace and "love thy neighbor" waged war against those that merely believed differently.  Wars fought in the name of religion and God include the crusades (1st, 2nd and lets not forget the 3rd and 4 - wow they were persistent), the Spanish Inquisition, the French Wars of Religion (which don't really hide the cause of the wars) and so on.  For me though, religion is less about believing that Judaism (in case that didn't give it away, I'm Jewish) is the "correct" religion and more about tradition.  I enjoy the three high holidays a year that all of my family gets together for dinner.  We laugh, eat a lot of food and almost most importantly we have a glass of wine or two, or maybe even three.  The more the better if you ask me.  In this day and age where families are dispersed all over the globe it's nice to have a couple days a year where you are obligated (and yes i used the word obligated on purpose) to get together with family and catch up.  


I'm not trying to be overly cynical here but think about it...
  1. Hasn't science explained a lot of the mysteries of the universe that were originally attributed to God?  I'm mostly referring to evolution but i'm sure there are more.  I guess another one would be the freeing of the Jews from Egypt (that whole parting of the sea thing was a nice trick...) 
  2. Call me crazy for saying this but I have a hard time identifying with a God that would punish me for not "believing" in him.  Am i supposed to believe that I'm going to rot in hell for all of eternity because i don't believe in something?  I would like to think that God would be understanding (if he exists).  
I hope this all makes got pretty late.  Comments are welcome and KEEP WATCHING ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT 


Lorem Ipsum

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