Tuesday, February 3, 2009

mmmm...mexican food

There's something about mexican food that draws me in every time.  I think my record stands at 5 Mexican meals in a row, a feet I'm truly proud of.   I wanted to keep going but something told me I was heading down a slippery slope.  I'm guessing it was my stomach.  Los Angeles is the meca for Mexican food enthusiasts.  Everything from the roach coach that pulls up and honks its horn on the corner to the whole in the wall spots that make you wonder if you're actually eating what the meat the menu claimed.  There's Eduardo's (owned by an american) that I make a point to going to every time I head back.  They make a burito just the way i like it.  NO BULLSHIT!  I'm not looking for Chipotle burrito stuffed to the brim with rice and beans and fajita.  I don't need a 500 calorie tortilla!  It really shouldn't be that hard....


And then of course a killer salsa bar that should include limes.

As far as taco's go I'm a big fan of street side taco's.  A small corn tortilla filled with meat, onion and cilantro.  Cheese is an added bonus but rarely enjoyed by this guy.  

I have lived in Colorado for over 9 years and have searched wide and far to find a great mexican place and let me tell you, its been exhausting.  When i lived in Boulder there was El Taco Loco.  First off, it's a great name but more importantly they had killer taco's made just the way I like them.  No salsa bar, but i was willing to ignore it mostly out of necessity because there was nowhere else to go.  Unfortunately their burrito's (if you could call them that) were sub-par. 

 Then there's Effrains.  It's a mexican food gluttons best friend.  The portions are huge and delicious.  It's great, don't get me wrong but not necessarily the type of Mexican food i was accustomed to growing up with, so on to the next place.  

I just found a place in Denver...I don't even know the name but i can describe how to get there if anyone's curious.  The small sign that advertised 99 cent taco's lured me in.  I got 4 of them.  One of each type of meat, Chicken, Barbacoa, Steak and Pork just to try them out.  FANTASTICO!  Well, maybe i wouldn't go that far but it's the best I have found in Denver and the price is right.  I know i have found a great place when i walk out happier than when i walked in and that's exactly what happened here.  

One more comment:  There's a fairly new restaurant chain out west called Pink Taco.  Think about it...how do they get away with the name?!?!?!


Lorem Ipsum

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