Monday, March 23, 2009

Not my List...Is it yours?

I stumbled upon this blog today ( and was drawn to the list she put together. It didn't take me long to realie how different this complete stranger and i truly are. How many of the items on her list do you "wish" you could do? I struck out.

  • I want to volunteer for a charitable organization.
  • I want to babysit for free a couple times a month for friends.
  • I want to market custom jewelry.
  • I want to take a class in tole painting.
  • I want to photograph more products, families, students, babies & weddings.
  • I want to do grocery shopping only once a month, and cook/freeze all the dinners on one day - I've come to realize that it's inefficient not to plan meals. It's not just me and my TV dinner, now.
  • I want to get rid of both of our cars and buy a Hybrid or an Outback.

    Lorem Ipsum

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