2 Opinions, 1 Product
I had the same simple conversation with two different friends this week about cell phones, "Do you like your phone?"
One of them had the relatively new Blackberry Storm; you know, Blackberry's self proclaimed iphone killer with the gimmicky touch screen you can actually press. He couldn't stop complaining about the software glitches and lack of applications. He said it was slow and unresponsive and that he was going to get the iphone.
Here's what makes this interesting. The other friend has the iphone and complained about the same things minus the lack of applications. He was fed up with the software bugs and overall unreliability of the phone. Cell service reception was another one of his complaints. He claimed that he is getting rid of his iphone and going back to the Blackberry.
2 people with completely opposite opinions of the phone.
I personally have the iphone and love it. I can't get to a stop light or check out line without checking email or reading the news. It's like having a mini computer in my hands. I even take notes of random thought for blog posts.
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