Monday, May 11, 2009

Just do it Already!

There's a couple things I think the president should wake up tomorrow and change. These things don't need a drawn out debate in congress or a fight between two commentators on Fox News. I want the president to actually do what is right and not care about the political damage that "might" come from it.

I want Obama's day to begin with the legalization of gay marriage. It's rediculous that there's even a debate still raging in this country over it. Why should the government prevent two adults from marrying? It's pretty much as simple as that. We as Americans should be a little embarrassed that we ever had slaves, didn't allow women to vote didn't allow black people to vote AND didn't allow gay people to marry. I challenge you to come up with a single good reason...and arguing that it will lead to people fucking goats isn't a legitimate argument.

Next, probably around 10 in the morning I want Obama to legalize marijuana. It's a fairly harmless drug with fewer side effects and dangers than alcohol. Tell me the last time two stoned people were in a street fight! Let's tax and regulate the distributation of marijuana just like we do with cigarettes. Another reason this needs to be done is that our jails should be filled with dangerous criminals and not drug addicts.

Lastly and possibly the most radical decision of his day is to declare our education system a national emergency and dedicate the hundreds of billions of dollars necessary to rethink and rebuild our education system. When the financial system broke we threw money at it; over a trillion dollars! Why not make the same commitment to our education system. I want Obama to say that it's time we changed the public school system to include 2 years of college. No Child Left Behind was a joke. A good idea poorly executed. Let's not give up let's fix it. I'll probably make this an entire rant in the next couple days...


Lorem Ipsum

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