Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Chrysler Nightmare We Paid For

New reports and documents show that Chrysler was in trouble, deep deep trouble for not just the last couple months but for years. Executives have admitted that they have tried selling the company for at least 2 years and found only 1 potential buyer...Fiat. The mighty and resilient Fiat was the only company? That's a scary thought. Now, why when the world saw no potential in saving Chrysler did our government and in turn you and me think it was a good idea to loan Chrysler billions of dollars when bankruptcy was inevitable? Why when almost every company in the world felt an investment in Chrysler was a bad idea did the government take a stake in the company?

The answer is POLITICS, POLITICS, POLITICS! Our politicians don't always make decisions in our best interest and this is a prime example. Would anyone in their right mind loan you 10 dollars and only expect 6 dollars back? Well, I guess I could see it if you charged a massive interest rate for the risk you're undertaking but that isn't the case here at all. In fact, the government's original loan to Chrysler was converted to equity...Awesome!

Let's learn from the Chrysler debacle and force GM into bankruptcy NOW. In the end, it's probably in their best interest and certainly the American publics best interest.


Lorem Ipsum

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