It's Working for Cigarettes...
Cigarettes are taxed heavily in the United States. Every couple months a new tax is levied in an effort to curb their use and help pay for the costs to society.
So here's a question...Why not tax junk food in the same way. US obesity rates are at all time highs and the negative affects to society are clear to see. I have less space on the subway or in an airplane seat...sorry, couldn't help myself. But all kidding aside, junk food is directly linked to health problems which cost society money (side note: maybe we should give tax credits for gym membership/gym use?) Certain types of diabetes are almost entirely preventable with moderate amounts of exercise and a healthy diet.
Congress has already begun thinking about this with their proposed "soda tax." Does it go far enough? Does this line of thinking go too far?
We already charge people for engaging in activities that are harmful to society. Police give tickets for running red lights, speeding and not using your turn signal. Alcohol is taxed heavily. It's not too much of a stretch to start taxing ice cream, fast food and candy in the same way.
This post was inspired by Maxim's "The 7 Stages of Being Fat"
Couldn't agree more. And I got news for all those fatty sympathizers that say, "Oh it's so sad that she is heavy, because she really is just big-boned and has bad genetics." That's bullshit. I worked front-desk at my company and saw all the food people brought in to eat. Let's just say that I bet you could guess who was bringing in multiple bags of McDonalds, multiple times a day.
Hey, maybe eating McDonalds doesnt make you fat but causes your bones to get bigger which results in big boned people. Scientist should look into this. Maybe Mcdonalds food could be used for bone regeneration. Nah, what am I talking about. Fucking fatties!
Yes! The good news is that states are enacting a candy tax, which is a step in getting to a broader "fat tax".,0,7082646.story
Unfortunately, the AAFT and ABA have already started to pool money in Washington, angling to join your aforementioned M.O.D.
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