Friday, August 7, 2009

Too much information?

All right internet, you win. and i'm not very happy about it. Just the other day i claimed that I could find everything and anything on the internet. I made the bold claim that there is a bigger cultural gap between my generation and my parents generation because my generation will be connected to the world and technology forever, continuously learning about new technology through the internet. I made the point (and actually think it's a good one) that the hierarchy of knowledge has somewhat flattened. What do i mean by this? I'm talking about the fact that previous generations had to learn everything from those that did it before them and how was this information passes on? through interaction and communication. Nowaday, if i don't know how to do something i can bypass the older generation and simply look up the answer on the internet. In fact, i will probably get a better answer than if i had asked the older know it all who in reality has been doing it ineficiantly for over 29+ years.


This all started with a blog post and it will end in another post (this one). I wanted to include a cartoon picture on the post about Bing that had two guys looking at a computer searching "bing" into a google search bar. The comment below said, "Google isn't Too Worried about Bing" or something to that effect. What bothers me most is that the cartoon was actually much funnier than that. So for the last 3 hours and I am not exagerating, I have been scouring the internet looking for this stupid cartoon. I watched an entire movie with my laptop on my lap typing in keywords into google AND bing. I looked over the last 150 blog posts on where I have a vague memory of seeing the cartoon, and still, no luck. I'm beginging to think that I will never find this damn cartoon. Was it a figmant of my imagination? Probably then where is it.


The answer is no and here is why. For all of the frustrations I am having trying to find a specific cartoon, it's my fault that I can't find it. I'm clearly not using the right search words. And furthermore, if i wasn't looking for this specific cartoon I could have stopped hours ago. I mean, within the first couple of minutes i found plenty of cartoons...JUST NOT THE ONE I WAS LOOKING FOR. Furthermore, over the hours of searching I probably found enough information to write an entire, well thought out report on the algorithms and comparisons of google and bing which is the real purpose of the internet...information.


Lorem Ipsum

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