Baby Shakers
Over the last couple years there have been a number of public service announcements warning me about the risks of shaking a baby. I find screaming babies, children, actually just about anyone screaming incredibly irritating but at no point do I ever think that if I just shook them hard enough they would stop. Who are all these people out there shaking babies, and are there enough of them to warrant a Public Service Announcement (hurray, tax dollars being put to good use)?!?! I'm no baby expert, trust me, but I don't need a PSA to tell me that I shouldn't do it. I heard one yesterday that said, "Sometimes babies cry for no reason, NEVER shake a baby." NO SHIT! It's a baby. Imagine picking up an adult and shaking the shit out of it...that would be dangerous too! This isn't rocket science people, it's common sense and the fact that we need a public service announcement warning us of the dangers is just sad.
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