Monday, April 6, 2009

Was Moses the Original Rambo?

I’m about to head home for Passover, the Jewish holiday which commemorates the Jewish escape from Egypt. It made me think of the old story which inevitably made me think of Rambo and i saw a lot of similarities (everything i think about turns into a Rambo comparison so this wasn't too much of a stretch).

Every Rambo movie has a similar plot. Hostages taken deep in enemy territory. there's only one person crazy enough to go in and save them. Who is that man? You guessed it, RAMBO! So, let's look at how that's similar to the story of Moses.

1. Moses doesn't need weapons (but isn't opposed to using them).

While Moses was living in the lap of luxury as an adopted child of the Pharoah, he witnesses a Jewish slave being abused. What does Moses do? He goes Rambo on the guy and kills him using his bare hands.

2. Rambo is usually on his own and so was Moses.

Rambo, against all odds is sent into the jungle alone to save some hostages. Well, slaves are pretty similar to hostages and Moses took it upon himself to free ALL of them. Rambo used guns and a crazy attitude while Moses used some plagues (pretty hardcore if you ask me). Here's just a couple...Frogs, Locust, Incurable Boils, Darkness, and my all time favorite - Slaying of the first born! And to think, the Pharoah was so stubborn that it took the death of his eldest child to finally let the Jews go.

3. When Rambo finally releases the hostages, he has to escape in some awesome, over the top way and only narrowly escapes; usually with the help of an ally airplane that comes out of nowhere. Well, after the Jews were released, the Pharaoh decided to change his mind and sent his entire army after the fleeing Jews (It doesn't get more intense than that...or does it!) The Jews get to the Red Sea and start to panic. The army is quickly approaching. Moses, in his infinite wisdom asks God to part the sea (and it actually works!) As the Pharaohs army try to cross the parted sea, it returns and they all drown. I would like to compare God and the parted sea to the allied fighter jet that saves Rambo.

There is one bummer (the official and technical term for what happens) to the whole story....while Rambo makes it back to America to do it all over again in Rambo's 2 - 5, Moses never makes it to Israel. Every last Jew that escapes slavery dies before making it into Israel. As the story goes, God didn't want anyone with a memory of slavery to enter the promised land...Israel. Crazy story, I know.


Lorem Ipsum

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